Hearth & Heather
A quarterly conversation about how we interact with place through art and nature. Hosts: Kateri Morton and Kathy Zadrozny.
Hearth & Heather
Hearthside: Vasilisa the Brave
Kathy & Kateri
Season 1
Episode 10
Small moments of fables, stories, and poems with Kathy and Kateri, sprinkled among our quarterly podcast episodes. In this mini-episode, Kathy tells her variation of the folk tale of Baba Yaga and Vasilisa, mainly based on how her grandmother told it to her, with a few dashes of the feminist re-tellings she read as an adult.
This story does not tell a neat tale of bending all things to our will just by trying hard enough. It is more a tale of trusting yourself and knowing that some seemingly impossible tasks may just need faith and thought around them. With this trust, the unknown does not have to be walked into with fear; it can become an ally. Approach with a willingness to embrace mystery.