Hearth & Heather
A quarterly conversation about how we interact with place through art and nature. Hosts: Kateri Morton and Kathy Zadrozny.
19 episodes
Ep 15: The Sweetness of Winter
As the cold settles in, we’re talking about the ways that we stay present, and the pleasures that we’re appreciating right now. Notebooks and paper planners are some of the tools that we’re using to keep steady and help us remember interesting ...
Season 1
Episode 19

Hearthside: Winter Solstice
Join us as we share our favorite winter solstice poems. Kateri reads “Shab-e Yalda” by Anis Mojgani and Kathy reads "Shortest Day" by Susan Cooper. Happy Yule, Winter Solstice, and New Year!
Season 1
Episode 18

Ep 14: Stillness at Summer’s End
Virgo season has arrived: it’s time to keep hold of our values while also doing botanical crimes. The days grow shorter; the light dips lower. Our energy is dipping lower, too. In this episode, we talk about some of the ways that we’re learning...
Season 1
Episode 17

Hearthside: Kupala Summer Solstice
Join Kathy by the fire as she talks about reframing the Slavic summer solstice ritual, Ivan Kupala, into a less binary intention-setting practice.Mentioned in Episode-
Season 1
Episode 16

Ep 13: A Cluster of Coots
On the late winter Easter Sunday when we recorded this episode, we were feeling the accumulated weight of ongoing trauma. Somehow, acknowledging this led us into a conversation about play, and this episode ended up being a LOT of laughing. We d...
Season 1
Episode 15

Ep 12: Emotional Jazz Hands
We’re bringing just-woke-up bear energy to a conversation about our intentions for the months ahead. As we think about what we want for ourselves this winter, the conversation takes us into vulnerability in play, being [un]comfortable with lett...
Season 1
Episode 14

Ep 11: When We Talk About Embracing Fall, We Literally Mean Squeezing
In the Northern Hemisphere, the leaves are turning, flowers are going to seed, and we’re very excited to be unpacking our cozy-times decor and blankets. Here on H&H, fall is our favorite season, and this episode is a whole snugglin...

Ep 10: The Radical Softness of Not Improving
This quarter, we’re both experiencing what it’s like to grow passively - to learn about what springs up when we leave empty space. As we explore the feeling of liminal spaces, we talk about being (recovering) people-pleasers, how we’re learning...
Season 1
Episode 12

Ep 9: It’s Kind of Like Dirty Dancing
We’re still very much in conversation with time this spring. On this episode of Hearth & Heather, we’re looking at time through the lens of our hobbies. We talk about the living nature of the spoken word, and the way that boating on a river...
Season 1
Episode 11

Hearthside: Vasilisa the Brave
Small moments of fables, stories, and poems with Kathy and Kateri, sprinkled among our quarterly podcast episodes. In this mini-episode, Kathy tells her variation of the folk tale of Baba Yaga and Vasilisa, mainly based on how her grandmother t...
Season 1
Episode 10

Ep 8: Weirdly, We Did Not Mention Doctor Who
As we’re in the year-long month of January, it seems like the perfect opportunity to dig into the subjective nature of time. We talk about how time has slowed for both of us recently, and we reflect on some of the ways we’re experiencing that a...
Season 1
Episode 9

Hearthside: Winter Solstice Poems
Small moments of fables, stories, and poems with Kathy and Kateri, sprinkled among our quarterly podcast episodes. In this mini-episode, Kateri reads two poems for Winter Solstice:
Season 1
Episode 8

Ep 7: Urgency is a Myth
Our favorite season is beckoning, and we’re talking about the slow-down of the year. As we get excited about tea, sweaters, golden light, and liminal spaces, we also dig into the ways that social media can create a false sense of urgency, preve...
Season 1
Episode 7

Ep 6: The Curious Case of Cozy Murders
It turns out, murder plays a very large role in our relaxing times. Not committing it, of course; we would never…We compare favorite series, scoff at silly titles, and ponder the origins of the genre known as “cozy.” We take a breath to acknowl...
Season 1
Episode 6

Ep 5: Burying the Canoe
Virgos navigating somatics! Habit-soothed people realizing none of our practices feel authentic right now. We’re in exploration mode, our feelings are itchy, and we’re talking about tarot fatigue, changing spiritual practices, honoring our bodi...
Season 1
Episode 5

Ep 4: Wind in the Willows
We talk about our adoration of Mole and Rat’s friendship in Kenneth Grahame’s classic, The Wind in the Willows, and why Toad can just eat a bag of *****. We also lust after Mr. Badger’s cellars and general domestic situation, dream abo...
Season 1
Episode 4

Ep 3: It’s Death Season, and We’re Leaning In
It’s death season, we’re leaning in! Don’t worry, there’s still swearing. We start out with goddesses, take a long walk through our altar habits, and their connections to the dark moon. We discuss the intersectional practices of deathwork and h...
Season 1
Episode 3

Ep 2: Putting Men in Danger for Salty Duck
Pickled Scottish birds, Street Art and it’s ephemeral nature, bird song, holly for protection and boundary magic, cheese in Spain, fertility rocks, chalk path in England.We begin by comparing notes on two books by naturalist and...
Season 1
Episode 2

Ep 1: Curious, Not a Narc
We talk about urban foraging and how that relates to focusing on small details and slowly gaining confidence in plant identification. We also explore how murder mysteries have influenced our herbalism education, the fear and allure of poison pl...
Season 1
Episode 1