Hearth & Heather
A quarterly conversation about how we interact with place through art and nature. Hosts: Kateri Morton and Kathy Zadrozny.
Hearth & Heather
Ep 12: Emotional Jazz Hands
Kathy & Kateri
Season 1
Episode 14
We’re bringing just-woke-up bear energy to a conversation about our intentions for the months ahead. As we think about what we want for ourselves this winter, the conversation takes us into vulnerability in play, being [un]comfortable with letting silence play out, the idea of “coolness,” and risk and authenticity in friendship. Can we use play to reach for deeper community, while still honoring our fears around being vulnerable? We also share what’s on the stove in our winter kitchens, and swear a bit.
Mentioned in episode:
- Scorched Earth tarot readings on YouTube
- Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin
- “What Adults Forget About Friendship,” by Rhaina Cohen in The Atlantic
- “Nurturing your community through the winter” cartoon by Sophie Lucido Johnson
- Lester Bangs
- The Morale Department
- “I don’t take compliments well” cartoon by Asher Perlman